The Evolving Portfolio of Paul Lewelt.
3D Modeler. 3D+2D Animator. Video Editor. Overall Video Specialist.
Below are some of my creations. In order of 3D Work, Motion Graphics/Video Editing and some stuff I have done for fun.
Oli 21
Tasked to create interesting visuals for the company's mainline product: Olive oil. Loopable video, gifs and still images delivered. All elements are modelled and animated in Cinema 4D. Rendered with Redshift. Sound Effects and final renders through Adobe Premiere.

The Company: A property management and accounting software corporation.The Task: Creating a short loopable eye-catching promotional video for tradeshows highlighting key services.
Showcasing Open Houses. Modelling houses and complexes to scale from blueprints. Images and 3D renders are then edited into a promotional video and included in the business pitch document. Video Editing in Premiere. All elements are modelled and animated in Cinema 4D. Rendered with Redshift.

Created using Cinema 4D and rendered out with Redshift. My work from conception to completion. 3D-modelled the SNES controller and the logo. I also used assets from GreyScaleGorrilla. I enjoyed playing with colours, mixing up pink and yellow. Played with cloth dynamics to get that "balloon" look.
Colour corrected and additional effects are done in After Effects. Audio added and final render through Premiere.

Motion Graphics & Video Editing
I have edited over a hundred videos and have created animations and vfx for the majority of them.
Almeida Media Inc. (MERGE)
Merge is a short documentary that spoke with experts across North America discussing the present and future of Artificial Intelligence. With Adobe Premiere and Final Cut, I assembled footage and created two unique previews of the documentary each with a run time of over 10 minutes. With Photoshop and Illustrator and Photoshop I created original images that were animated with After Effects. I also animated the company's introduction video.

I was with Bestie before the launch of the YouTube Channel and was there when they hit 1 Million Subscribers. I edited over 100 videos for them, always meeting deadlines and creating two videos every week while following brand guidelines. Every video included animations I created in After Effects. I had a hand to construct the video production process which led to assistants being hired to help gather and prepare footage for editors. Additionally, I was passionate about assisting my fellow creators.

Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer
I co-edited the sketch in Adobe Premiere as well as colour-corrected the footage. The most important fact about this video is...I was typecast as Santa Claus.
School Of Bite
(Toronto Metropolitan University)
I was one of ten carefully selected individuals to take part in a joint initiative between (then called) Ryerson University and BluAnt Media. We were tasked to create new Transmedia properties that focused on comedy. From concept to completion. I was selected for my unique background in Comedy, Video Production and UI/UX Design.

For Fun and Freelance
The following are a lot of stuff I created just because I wanted to. I get better at all the software I use because I learn to have fun with it. My work is my hobby and it sometimes compliments my other hobbies.

Software used:
3D: Cinema 4D, Unreal Engine, and Redshift.
2D: Most of the Adobe Suite including Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator and more.